Dr. Benoit Lebreton from MR Littoral, Environnement et Sociétés, CNRS - Université de La Rochelle and his student Claudia Gräfe from University of Ulm in Germany arrived at the YIC in 19th May 2013 to start their cooperation research with the Group of the Function and Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystem of YIC.
The cooperation research is supported by “Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for Young International Scientists” and “The Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists of NSFC”. Dr. Benoit discussed the detailed work plan of the following field work in the Yellow River Delta and the laboratory in YIC with the members of the Group of the Function and Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystem in 22nd May, and gave a presentation titled“Structure and functioning of a seagrass food web analyzed with combination of trophic markers: Stable isotope ratios and fatty acids. The case of an intertidal /Zostera noltii /seagrass bed in Marennes-Oléron Bay, France”.
Dr. Benoit and Claudia went to the intertidal area of the Yellow River Delta to do the field research in from 25th to 31st, May, to study the effects of fresh water to the quantity, quality and availability of food sources to consumers and to structure of benthic food webs.