During April 9-12 2012, Professor Paul G. Falkowski, Einstein Professorship of CAS, academician of American Academy of Sciences and New York Academy of Sciences, paid a visit to YIC-CAS for research communication. During these days, Prof. Falkowski gave two splendid seminars with topics of ‘Mix and Match: Stratification, oceanic ecosystems and climate change’ and ‘What controls photosynthesis in the oceans?’
The seminars, hosted by Prof. Qin Song and Prof. Chen Yingjun, contained large range including Biogeochemical cycles, photosynthesis, plant physiology, biological oceanography, molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, physiological adaptation, evolution, mathematical modeling, symbiosis, which attracted the researchers of YIC-CAS to discuss with him in the related aspects. After the seminars, the researchers and students from Biological Resources Laboratory Lab introduced their research works to Prof. Falkowski, and obtained Professor’s detailed supervision.