Prof. Joanna Waniek from Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany visited YIC for academic exchanges |
May 8-11, 2019, Prof. Joanna Waniek and Prof. Ralf Prien from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany, visited the YIC, CAS. Director Fan Wang of the YIC warmly welcomed the visits of the two Professors. Director De Wang of the science and technology department of the YIC and Prof. Waniek introduced the positioning, direction and research progress of their respective institutes. Under the witness of Director Fan Wang of the YIC and the head of each research department, Prof. Yongming Luo, director of the Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, CAS, and Prof. Waniek signed a memorandum on deepening the exchanges and cooperation on behalf of the two sides. Prof. Waniek and Prof. Prien also attended the joint voyage ceremony of the Center for Ocean Mega-Science, CAS and visited the Muping Coastal Environment Research Station, CAS. Prof. Prien and Dr. Yanfang Li gave lectures entitled “Results from a profiling mooring in the Baltic Sea” and “Trapping of microplastics in the Semi-enclosed Bohai Sea”, respectively. Participants discussed the real-time dynamic observation of the marine environment and the microplastics diffusion trajectory model under the marine environment. Bilateral exchanges laid the foundation for deepening cooperation in the marine environmental sciences and future joint declaration of international cooperation projects. 
