Prof. Luc BEAUFORT from CEREGE visited YIC for academic exchanges |
Prof. Luc BEAUFORT, who is from Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement, CNRS, visited Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, CAS. On 21st April, 2016, Prof. Beaufort gave a splendid lecture titled “Is ocean facing a crash of the carbonate pump?”. In his lecture, he firstly reviewed the contribution of coccolithophores and other orgranisms to calcification and underlined the crucial role of coccolithophores in global carbon cycle. Then he analyzed different response to ocean acidification of different types of coccolithophores and gave his conclusion to the question: no crash in the future. Prof. Beaufort is a world-famous paleoceanographer and marine geologist. His main interest includes climate changes in low latitudes and its influence on marine biodiversity, Pleistocene calcareous nanofossils and evolutionary ecology of coccolithophores. He is undertaking collaboration with researcher in YIC as a PIFI fellow (The Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship for Visiting Scientists). 