Prof. Robert Ian Menz from Flinders University visits YIC |
From June 29th to July 22nd of 2015, Prof. Robert Ian Menz from Flinders University in Australia was invited to visit Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. During the visit, Prof. Menz gave a report entitled "Overview of research at Flinders University, School of Biological Sciences" In this report, Prof. Menz introduced the main fields and research level of his school. He also introduced the progress of his team in biotechnology. Prof. Menz is dean of School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, and an expert on drug screening and drug design. He is an editor for Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, and a bio-containment officer for the Internal Bio-safety committee for TGR-BioScience, the barton South Australia. He was awared Pearson Education UniServe Science Award, Co-recipients: Karen Burke Da Silva & David Wood and Carrick Institute Citation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, Co-recipients: Karen Burke Da Silva & David Wood. 