Prof. Jason Tanner from SARDI visits YIC |
Professor Jason Tanner form South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) visited Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and presented his research work on February 21st, 2014. Prof. Tanner delivered an excellent lecture entitled “Benthic ecology of the deep Great Australian Bight” which focused on the recent advances on benthic ecology by his research group. During his visit, Prof. Tanner also conducted deep communications with the Laboratory of Marine Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology. Both sides exchanged views on several research hot points, including molecular detecting tool for dynamics of functional marine organisms, hydrocarbon sensor and gene chips. Prof. Tanner is a marine ecologist who works on four main areas: coral population and community dynamics, landscape ecology of seagrass-epifauna interactions and seagrass rehabilitation, interactions between aquaculture and the environment, and temperate benthic ecology. As of 27 September 2013, ISI Web of Science listed 1321 citations to his published journal articles, giving him an h-index of 16. In each of 2008 2013, there were over 100 citations to his work. 