From June 29 to July 1, Dr. Xiwang Zhang from Monash University, Austialia visited Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (YICCAS).
During his visit, Dr. Xiwang Zhang delivered an excellent lecture entitled “Innovative membranes and processes for water and wastewater treatment”. In this lecture, he introduced the application of membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment in recent years, which can produce high quality drinking water with small footprint. However, technical problems such as membrane fouling, high energy consumption and lack of contaminants degradation are occurred during the treatment process. Then, he detailedly introduced the application of novel photocatalytic membranes and the forward osmosis processes to overcome the existing problems. Moreover, the innovative membranes and processes could carry out urban wastewater reuse and seawater desalination simultaneously, which are promising for their application in water and wastewater treatment. Researchers, staffs of Research Center for Environment Engineering, staffs of Cooperation and Achievements Department and postgraduates of YICCAS attended the lecture and discussed on academic questions, achievements industrialization and future cooperation.
Dr. Xiwang Zhang’s research fields include Water Pollution Control Principles and novel water treatment technologies. He has published almost 50 peer reviewed papers and the index of his publication is more than 900. He also has applied for 2 international patents and issued 2 books as co-author.