Prof. Ralf Ebinghaus, head of the Department for Environmental Chemistry of the Institute of Coastal Research at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, visited YIC and presented his research work on September 5, 2012.
Prof. Ebinghaus is an analytical and environmental chemist. His research fields include transport, deposition and air/sea-gas exchange of atmospheric trace constituents, such as mercury and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), with a special emphasis on substances of emerging concern for the coastal, marine, and polar environment. He has crossed the traditional border between inorganic and organic environmental chemistry. He concentrates on the crucial question of evaluating the persistence and long-range transport potential of environmental chemical compounds.Prof. Ebinghaus has published more than 120 research articles in peer reviewed journals (H-Index = 28) and several book chapters. He has co-edited three books and is editor of the CSIRO Journal "Environmental Chemistry" and co-editor of the EGU Open Access Journal "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics".
During his visit, Prof. Ebinghaus delivered an excellent lecture entitled “Regional and global cycling of atmospheric mercury - new insights from land-, ship- and aircraft-based measurements”. In his lecture, Prof. Ebinghaus showed the recent observational results of atmospheric mercury from land-, ship- and aircraft-based measurements. He also put forward some new insights on the transport, deposition and air sea-gas exchange processes, source and sink of atmospheric mercury at a regional and global scale, based on the long-term monitoring data from the Global Atmospheric Watch stations in Europe, Africa, and polar regions.
Professor Yongming Luo, the executive vice director of YICCAS and the director of LOICZ East Asia Node, attended and hosted the lecture. Some other concerned leaders, such as Yingjun Chen, Head of the Science and Technology Division, YICCAS, researchers and postgraduates also attended the lecture and discussed some concerned academic questions with Prof. Ebinghaus.