YIC held the workshop in the topic of sea and human security |
On November 12, YIC held a workshop under the flag of United Nations Institute For Training and Research (UNITAR) /Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)/ Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research (YIC). 18 resources persons from GKSS-Ifk;CSIRO;;BRBMC;SDMOFB;HBHYZ;ECNU;FIO- SOA;SKYSD;LAUREL;YTU;LDU;YTMOFB;YTMSA different kinds of coastal research/manage filed gave lectures regarding coastal zone environmental monitoring and governance. More than 70 participants including students joined the event. A half day visit to the local coastal authorities has been arranged and it was quite interesting and impressive for the participants. We believe a local coastal zone network has been built thanks for this training workshop. We also got valuable experiences in making such capacity building program in the topic of sea and human security.  