LOICZ Open Science Conference (LOICZ OSC)2011 was held in Yantai on September 12-15, 2011. This is LOICZ OSC first time held in China.
The conference is organised by Yantai Institute of Coastal Research (YIC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the research project “Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone” (LOICZ) based at the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, Germany, sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Yantai City Government, Yantai Haicheng High-technology Co.Ltd.

350 scientists from 35 countries met in the Chinese metropolis of Yantai on the Yellow Sea. This scientific exchange focused on global problems in densely populated coastal regions: rising sea levels, climatic changes, deterioration in the quality of water as a result of increasing overfertilisation, urbanisation and tourism.
Coastal zones are sensitive interfaces between land , sea and the atmosphere. Today, more than 40 percent of the global population is concentrated in coastal areas worldwide. These provide the space in which we live, work and find recreation. Coasts are under constant pressure from natural, economic and social processes.

Coastal users, coastal managers and junior scientists from around the world gathered in Yantai to meet with internationally renowned experts. During the conference they had the opportunity to gain and exchange information on the interactions between land and sea, and the effects these have on nature and the human population. Natural and social scientists presented their latest research results in order to encourage decision-makers from the world of politics and commerce to work towards integrated sustainable coastal management. The diverse interests of the users of coastal regions call for interdisciplinary cooperation. This is, the only way in which new research approaches and concepts can be created and sustainable development attained. In concrete terms this means: the development of tools, analyses and scenarios, which ensure long-term and responsible management of this sensitive man-nature system.

In the scope of the YIC-CAS, scientists are engaged in global research to gain a better understanding of the changes taking place on the coasts and the social consequences. It is only through this comprehensive knowledge and close collaboration, and by working together with decision-makers from politics, commerce and society that the development of sustainable usage strategies for our coasts can be made possible.